E-Merging is a series of articles on electronicbeats.net, curated and written by Juule Kay and art directed by WAF GMBH. E-Merging is not about music. Rather, it looks to the variance of expression by young artists across disciplines. It refracts the culture of our time, offering an in-depth, interactive look at emerging creatives by exploring their inspirations and musings.

WAF GMBH project documentation for electronic-beats
WAF GMBH project documentation for electronic-beats
WAF GMBH project documentation for electronic-beats

Collaborating with Electronic Beats since 2015, we have been in charge of the digital life of Europe's longest standing corporate program supporting independent music culture.

  1. Altered Egos
    Electronic Beats
  2. Keeping track of club culture
    Electronic Beats
  3. Performance automation
    Electronic Beats
  4. Six sides to Electronic Beats
    Electronic Beats
  5. Human-machine choreography
    Electronic Beats