Human-machine choreography

For season two of The Cube, we reached out to Berlin-based Choreographer Franka Marlene Foth to develop an interactive digital staging of her piece EP02. By translating the choreography's strong spatial relations into three-dimensional digital space, the dancer's movements turn into abstract architecture.

Video production by A.F. Studio with spatial post production by Martin Backhaus. Shader design by WAF GMBH. Music by Marlon Beatt.

WAF GMBH project documentation for electronic-beats
WAF GMBH project documentation for electronic-beats
WAF GMBH project documentation for electronic-beats

Collaborating with Electronic Beats since 2015, we have been in charge of the digital life of Europe's longest standing corporate program supporting independent music culture.

  1. Altered Egos
    Electronic Beats
  2. Keeping track of club culture
    Electronic Beats
  3. Documenting contemporaries
    Electronic Beats
  4. Performance automation
    Electronic Beats
  5. Six sides to Electronic Beats
    Electronic Beats